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Alexander Hamilton’s Deep Advice

In the year 1800, Alexander Hamilton sent his son Philip the following letter, which laid out a set of rules that Philip should follow to make the most out of his legal training after his graduation from Columbia College:

''Rules for Mr Philip Hamilton[:]
- From the first of April to the first of October he is to rise not later than six o’clock—The rest of the year not later than Seven. If Earlier he will deserve commendation. Ten will be his hour of going to bed throughout the year. college graduation dresses 2018
- From the time he is dressed in the morning till nine o clock (the time for breakfast Excepted) he is to read Law.
- At nine he goes to the office & continues there till dinner time—he will be occupied partly in the writing and partly in reading law.
- After Dinner he reads law at home till five o’clock. From this hour till seven he disposes of his time as he pleases. From seven to ten he reads and studies what ever he pleases.
- From twelve on Saturday he is at Liberty to amuse himself.
- On Sunday he will attend the morning Church. The rest of the day may be applied to innocent recreations.
- He must not Depart from any of these rules without my permission.''…/01/29/alexander-hamiltons-deep-adv…/